"I own a Leica but I even shoot with a phone, because owning a camera makes you a photographer just as much as sticking feathers in your ass makes you a chicken."
This is the spirit of my photography, because, after almost 30 years spent using every kind of camera, except large format and Lytro (who remebers them?) cameras, I came to the personal conclusion that a camera is just a tool I use to tell what I see, in my own way, like a writer that could use a pencil, a fountain pen or a word processor I can use my Leica, my Fujifilm, or even my smartphone, as the story is in front of me, and maybe a tool is quicker than another one, but all deserve to the scope to "write" it down, with my point of view.
How I can describe my photography?
Am I a landscape, a reportage, a portrait photographer?
All and nothing, because what I want is just to tell..and this maybe doesn't even qualify me as a photographer.
There are so many stories to write out there.
If you have one to suggest, if you want to be one of my stories contact me with the form down here.

Published on:
Style Magazine ( by RCS Media Group) n°1-2, January -February 2016 page 94
T- +39 393 722 8531